Monday, January 23, 2012

Reading Reflection 1

            As one embarks on their journey of Project-Based Learning, they should keep in mind that the learning process is never over. Teachers need to be aware that they are learners in this journey along with their students. With the rapid advancement in technology, we are constantly learning about new innovations that teachers can bring into their classrooms. Also, as teachers and students complete projects, they will learn what worked and what did not work in the lesson and can make it a better learning experience the next time they work on the project.
            There are many benefits to Project-Based Learning. One of the biggest benefits is that students learn by assessing and solving real-world projects. This is extremely important for students to do because it makes their learning relevant. In a well-organized project, the students should never have to question the importance of learning the material. Another benefit of Project-Based Learning is that students learn how to work with their peers to solve the problems they are given. It is important for students to work collaboratively with one another to understand that it takes a team-effort to solve substantial problems. One cannot change the world’s problems single-handedly.
            Students who participate in Project-Based Learning are “learning to investigate open-ended questions and apply their knowledge to produce authentic products” (Boss & Krauss, p. 12). Active learning allows students to have a certain level of freedom in their learning. Students are encouraged to learn about what interests them and apply it to the context of the project. This authentic model of teaching is a great way to get students motivated to learn.
            When using the Project-Based Learning approach, teachers need to reconsider many things.  They must rethink their learning goals and expectations of students, as well as their classroom management styles. With collaborative projects, teachers will undoubtedly have different expectations for their students than a lesson plan that involves a lecture and a worksheet. Teachers will also have to reconsider how they will assess their students throughout the project to ensure that their students are learning and meeting the goals and expectations placed upon them.
            New Technology High is a great example of the New Technology Model. This model is all about authentic, active and collaborative learning and it seems that New Technology High is following this model to a T. The New Technology Model is successful because class sizes are small, which is beneficial because teachers have the opportunity for more one-on-one interaction with their students. It is also important to understand that the projects that are being assessed by students are related to real-world problems and are solved using the technologies that the 21st century has given us. It is important to note that although technology is everywhere within schools such as New Technology High, it is not the main focus. Technology simply acts as a tool to assist students during the project, rather than being the focus of the project.


  1. I liked the way you related the learning experience to both the teacher and the student. I think it is important for teachers to realize that with new innovations arising constantly that they have to update their knowledge as much, if not more than their students. Also the way you related most of the information to how it would apply to us as future educators really showed the point of the chapter.

  2. I would also have to agree with Heidi. I found it was great how you related this whole idea that Project Based Learning is not just a learning experience for the students but for the teachers as well. It always amazes me how fast new technology is released and much like you said this way of teaching will be a continuous learning experience for all involved in the classroom.
