1.Discuss how technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths.
· There are many different ways that technology can be used as a reflective device. In EDT 3470, we use blogs to reflect on our work. I think this is beneficial because our group members and the instructor are able to see different thought processes throughout the semester. Another way that technology can be used as a reflective device is through surveys. Surveys such as ProfilerPRO and SurveyMonkey provide a way for both students and teachers to reflect on previous assignments. Students can give instructors feedback about different projects by assessing what went right and what could have gone better. Students can also identify their own strengths and weaknesses and reflect on the different skills they learned throughout the process.
2.Describe several ways in which you can get students’ minds ready for a project.
· The text suggests that all projects start out by tapping students’ prior knowledge. There are several ways that an instructor can tap into their students’ background knowledge and get their students’ attention. This can be as simple as starting a discussion about the topic or having them fill out a KWL chart. The instructor could bring in several items that have to do with the topic and have students guess what the upcoming project might be about. Whatever way the instructor decides to spark the interest of their students, the important thing to remember is to give students time to think about and discuss the topic. When this time is given, students will become intrigued and excited to start learning.
3.Discuss the elements of teaching fundamentals first.
· When diving into an intricate project, it is important for teachers to understand where their students are starting out. It would be unrealistic to ask students to inquire about a topic if they do not have a solid knowledge base to start their thought process. One way that teachers can find out where their students are starting out would be having students fill out a KWL chart. This will give teachers a clear understanding of how much their students know about a specific topic. Once the KWL chart is completed, a teacher may notice that his students do not have very much background knowledge about the topic. The teacher can therefore determine that he needs to teach the fundamentals first before moving onto the project that he had planned.
4.Describe the important steps in preparing students for using technology in project.
· Before starting a project that will involve students’ use of technology it is important for teachers to prepare their students to work with different technologies and understand how they will be using the technologies to learn. This requires advanced planning on the teacher’s part. Teachers need to evaluate what technologies they will be using and how much knowledge their students have about the use of these technologies. The teacher may want to ask tech-savvy students or the school’s technology specialist for help in teaching students how to use technologies before diving into the project. Teachers may develop a screencast in order to further help students use the technologies.
5.Discuss ways to promote inquiry and deep learning.
· One great way to promote inquiry and deep learning is to integrate several different subject areas into the project. Projects are much more beneficial and authentic to students’ lives when the project can be related to several different content areas. In the text, there was an example of a project on the topic of money. This project combined social studies, science, math, literature and art. The combination of these different subjects benefited the students’ learning more than if the project would have just focused on one subject area.
· Another way to promote inquiry and deep learning is by redirecting questions that students may ask during a project. As teachers it is important that we learn how to redirect students’ questions so that they are set up for deeper learning. If a student asks, “What is money made of?” we need to be able to redirect the question to, “How can you analyze money to learn what it is made of?” When questions are turned into other questions that are more challenging, it sets students on a path of inquiry.
6.Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
· My group can use the concepts in this chapter to help our students throughout our project. I think that it is important that before we start the project, we need to figure out how much they know about exercise and the different technologies they will use throughout the project. As fifth graders, they may know a little bit about computers, but they may not know how to Skype or edit a video. We need to think about how much time we will need to allot to teach our students how to use various technologies.