Friday, February 24, 2012

Reading Reflection #5

1.      Discussion on the items that should be considered before starting a project with students.

I believe that preparing heavily before starting a project with students is important. Obviously one of the first things to consider is what materials you need. Having all the materials before the project is started will help it to run more smoothly and efficiently. The next question is how much technology your students will need to use and if you will need to more access than you already have. Will you need to have students talk to experts to keep the project going is the next question. If so these people should be contacted as soon as possible to see if they can visit the classroom. We must also look to the parents and the community to see who else can help with the project. As a team, teachers must decide which part of the project they will become responsible for. 

2.      Discussion on the teachers’ and students’ management needs.
I believe that students need to be able to manage themselves. I wish that I was given more practice of this in school so that I would be more efficient today. I agree that giving students small chunks at a time will be helpful and show them that taking one step at a time will create a great project. Also, chunking the tasks will be easier on the teachers so they will not feel as overwhelmed. I think that a class calendar and blog is a great idea and will really help the students and parents stay on top of the project.

3.      Discuss some of the technology applications that should be considered for use in a project.
 We should be using web-based applications. These can be blogs, wiki, or web-based desktop applications. Creating a wiki will have students place their knowledge onto a webpage that they can share with the rest of the world. They can add web links and even create their own pages to develop the information that they have. I really like the idea of a wiki, although I know we will need to make sure the students are keeping record of their sources. In a web-based desktop application they can create a place just for them to keep their records. It will be like an 'office' to keep their information. I believe that this will help students to stay very organized.
4.      Discussion on how concepts in the chapter relate to your topic/project.
I think this really relates to our project because I am chunking things day by day on my own calendar, we have a group blog and we are each deciding what  part of the project we will be responsible for. I believe that planning as much as possible will help me be a better teacher so I can prepare for any struggles or hurtles we must overcome. Also, having something planned day by day will help my students to feel like I have prepared well for them and I am confident they will do well.


  1. I agree that a huge part of considering and starting a project deals with the planning aspect of it. If a teacher is disorganized and frantically trying to find supplies last minute the project is not going to run smoothly.

  2. I completely agree with your statement about the lack of organizational skills instruction in school. I think that I could have benefited from additional organizational tools as well like the desktop "office". That's good that you were able to use some of the "chunking" ideas to keep you organized while working on this project.
