Friday, March 30, 2012

Reading Reflection 9

  1. Description of a method of understanding prior-knowledge of students.
First, having students fill out a KWL chart will help us assess their prior knowledge on the subject, it will also give them a chance to recall and see the information they already know. Using anchors will also get a sense for where students are before starting and as the project grows, how they are progressing.
  1. Discussion on the importance of establishing anchors for a project.
Using anchors will help students realize their learning abilities and where they are currently at before starting the project. It will also help teachers know where the student is and if the students are reaching the anchors throughout the project it will show that the project is successful and the students are learning and progressing.
  1. Description of several ways to assess what students learned during the project.
Having students create something new will really show how knowledgeable they are about the topic and what they have learned in their own form of presentation. Another way to asses students is to evaluate them based on the standards that professionals use. Students will be working like professionals during their projects so assessing them in this way will show how far they have come and what they have learned. Another way to assess is to have them submit their projects in a contest or for publication. My teachers had us do this many times and I believe that this would make assessing more fun and students will work harder when they know their final work will go into a contest.
  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
It is really important to know where students stand before a project so we can make sure to assess them on how far they’ve come. We also must know how to assess them when the type of project is so different from the usual learning in the classroom.

Reading Reflection #9

  1. Description of a method of understanding prior-knowledge of students.
-          There are several activities teachers can use to gain an understanding of student’s prior knowledge. One activity would include the KWL. Not all students will be on the same level of understanding starting a project; a KWL will help a teacher establish anchors based on student responses to the KWL.
  1. Discussion on the importance of establishing anchors for a project.
-          Establishing anchors for a project allows the teacher to gain a sense of where students are starting and how far they are going as they work to meet the learning goals. Establishing anchors can help the teacher measure the distance each individual student travels as a learner.
  1. Description of several ways to assess what students learned during the project.
-          Teachers can use a wide variety of things to assess what students have learned during a project. Teachers can use multiple choice assessments, matching assessments, videos, podcasts, blogs, analysis, and real-world models as assessments.
  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
-          As teachers, we will use ideas from this chapter to develop ways to assess our students understanding before, during, and after a project. Students completing our project will be creating a workout video as their assessment; showing friends and family what they have learned about exercising.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chapter 9 Reflection

1. Description of a method of understanding prior-knowledge of students.
·         There are several ways that teachers can become familiar with their students’ prior knowledge. One way to incorporate technology is by giving students an online survey on SurveyMonkey that asks them about what they know about the topic. Teachers can also have students fill out a KWL chart or have a class discussion that asks students about their current knowledge.
2. Discussion on the importance of establishing anchors for a project.
·         Anchors are important because they give teachers a sense of where students are starting out. This will help them better plan students’ learning goals for lessons and will help both the teacher and the students be successful.
3. Description of several ways to assess what students learned during the project.
·         There are several ways to assess student learning. Teachers can use multiple choice tests, interviews, videos, podcasts, blogs, work samples, or real-world assessments to see what students learned in the lesson. The important thing to look for when assessing is that students can summarize and synthesize the information that was taught and that they can apply that information.
4. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
·         In our project, students will be assessed on the movie that they will make that synthesizes all the information they learned in the unit. The students will present their movies to their families and the rest of the school during an open house.

Chapter 8 Reflection

1. Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
·         One benefit of technology is that it gives teachers and students the opportunity to make connections outside of the classroom. Teachers and students can connect with diverse audiences (family, peers, community members, experts, etc.) through technologies such as blogs, email and Skype.
2. Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
·         The Environmental and Spatial Technologies Initiative Model demonstrates using technology for a real purpose. Students participating in the EAST Initiative Model become familiar with real technologies that experts use in the field to solve problems and make improvements. The EAST Initiative Model is built on four key ideas: student driven learning, authentic project-based learning, using technology as tools, and collaboration.
3. Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
·         During project-based learning it is important that students learn to “lead” their own projects. Students are able to make projects authentic to their lives when they take charge of their own learning. During project-based learning students should be given the responsibility to lead their own project and teachers should be there for support and collaboration.
4. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
·         The concept about letting students lead their project is an idea that I would use in my own classroom. In our project we are working with fifth graders. I think that fifth graders are capable of taking ownership of their learning. This would be beneficial for students because by letting students take the lead in a project it makes learning personal.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Chapter 8 Reading Reflection

Your reflection should include:
  1. Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
Utilizing Digital tools is probably the best way to be able to do this in our PBL. Having students create blogs and digital stories gives them an audience. They want to do well so that their audience is impressed and learns from their project. Also, having students talk to experts from around the world will help them to become knowledgeable and researched so that they will be able to discuss the topics with them. Having the students virtually scuba dive with experts sounds so cool to me.
  1. Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
The EAST model has four essential ideas. Student driven learning is the first, which is really important for student learning. The next is authentic project based learning, which is students working to solve actual problems in their communities. The third idea is that students use real world technology to research and solve these problems. And the final thing is collaboration where students work together to learn and solve problems. I think these things are all essential if we want students to learn and realize that they are the ones who can solve the problems in their communities.
  1. Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
The reason this is so important is because students will lead to projects that are meaningful to them. They will create projects that will help fix problems that they care about. I know from experience that when you are working on something that has deep meaning to you, you will work much harder and want to make a great project. I also believe that students should work on things they care about so they can carry this idea through the rest of their lives.
  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.

I think this chapter gives us a lot to think about as teachers. That we really need to focus on the idea of students fixing the problems in communities and working on projects that matter to them. But I was thinking about the curriculum. We can’t always let students lead because we need to follow it. So at what time should we let students lead the project?

Reading Reflection #8

1)      Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
-          As teachers, we need to take advantage of all learning experiences as they come. Ways to ensure that such learning experiences occur include preparing your students to make connections with experts and connecting with a community outside city limits. Students who are given the opportunity to consult with experts are exposed to real life situations that will better prepare them for their future. Classrooms that make connections with communities over long distances are also expanding on the learning experiences.
2)      Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
-          The EAST Initiative Model, Environmental and Spatial Technologies Initiative is a network of students that have been demonstrating the benefits of using technology for real life purposes. The students in this network make use of geospatial technologies and multimedia tools that are commonly used in professional labs and studios. The EAST model is built on four essential ideas. The first idea is student-driven learning; students are responsible for their own learning. The second idea is authentic project-based; students are involved in solving real problems in their communities. The third idea is using technology as tools; students use the technology that professionals use to solve real problems. The fourth idea is collaboration.
3)      Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
-          As a teacher, we may feel that is it our responsibility to do all the teaching, to always be in the teacher role. While it is true that we are responsible for teaching, I don’t necessarily feel it is just our responsibility. The students can also have some of the responsibility of teaching, or leading their projects. Creating a project idea, initiating conversations, asking questions of the teacher and of experts, and expanding on project ideas after the project is complete are all ways students can take the lead of their own projects.
4)      Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
-          The ideas from this chapter relate to my project in that I understand now that it is important to let students take the lead and responsibility of their learning and learning experiences. The students, completing my project, have been given the opportunity to connect with students in Australia, which practices the idea of expanding the learning circle.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading Reflection #7

1.        Description of the levels of the classroom discussions.
It is important to remember, as a teacher in training, to ask good questions in order to facilitate discussion. “Good” questions are more complex questions that require more thinking and can be answered several different ways. Classroom discussion is broken down into levels during project implementation. The first level is teacher to teacher. This level is the planning level. This level gives teachers an opportunity to work and plan together, make sure all learning goals will be met through the project, create learning objectives, and format an assessment. The second level is student to student. At this level, students interact with one another about their learning experiences. Communicating as a team is a major skill that is encouraged during this level. The third level is teacher to student. Project-based classrooms are trying to move away from the traditional teacher to student interaction where the teacher dominates the lecture. It is important, as a teacher, that you spend time modeling and then interacting with the students as they explore and learn as a team.
2.       Discussion on the questions for “checking in” on students during a project.
Because students are given the opportunity to explore and learn as an individual or in groups, learning is likely to go in different directions and at different speeds. As a teacher, it is important to plan and implement certain questions that allow you, as a teacher, to get the necessary information about your student’s progress and understanding. These questions can also facilitate learning and understanding and can move the project forward if students are stuck or struggling. “Checking in” questions can be different for each part of the project. Procedural, teamwork, understanding, and self assessment are all different parts of the project that may require different types of questions. Procedural questions keep students on track, and enforce the schedule and certain deadlines. Teamwork questions help assess team dynamics; do the students get along and work well together, are students contributing equally, are the students managing conflict themselves, or relying on others for help are some typical teamwork “checking in” questions. Understanding questions requires the teacher to spend time observing the teams as they work and to listen in on their conversations. Self assessment questions help the teacher find out what students are thinking about the project. These questions typically encourage self assessment and reflection.
3.       Discussion on the benefits to students when optimizing the use of technology.
As a teacher, it is your decision to select the technologies you want to integrate. Sometimes students may not know or understand how to use the tools you have selected, so it may be necessary to plan and conduct mini-lessons for an introduction. During implementation, it is important for teachers to check in with the students to make sure that the technology choices are benefitting the students and reaching the learning goals. Teachers need to make sure that the technology and tools are optimizing learning and not becoming a distraction. Asking questions can help maximize the potential of the tools being used duing the project. Checking in questions can also give insight into the level of success for the tools used.
4.       Discussion on the 21st century skills that can make or break a project.
Troubleshooting and management are two 21st century skills that could either make or break a project. Troubleshooting arises when students can or cannot deal with the problems that arise during the project. Remind students that real-world projects come with real-world problems; help students learn from these setbacks and continue forward. Conflict management is the ability to detect conflict among team members. Teachers should help these students learn to manage their own team conflict. Real-world projects come with real-world conflicts; it should become another learning opportunity for teacher and students.
5.       Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your project/topic.
The ideas and concepts from this chapter gave me the necessary information to help me work collaboratively with my students during projects. I know now what kind of questions to ask during the different part of the project.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chapter 7 Reflection

  1. Description of the levels of classroom discussions.
This chapter discussed three levels of classroom discussions:
·         Teacher to teacher- Collaboration between instructors is an important aspect of project based learning. Conversations between teachers will most likely touch on what is going right and wrong during a project. This leads to better project outcomes and student success.
·         Student to student- Collaboration between students is also an important aspect of project based learning. Throughout the project, students should be discussing their learning experiences with their teammates. By having student to student conversations, students are learning good communication skills, which are important for students to explore during project based learning.
·         Teacher to student- Teacher to student conversations are a staple in all traditional classrooms. However, it is important for teachers to individually meet with their students to discuss his/her own learning. Teacher to student conversations give teachers the opportunity to listen to their students’ thoughts and push for higher-order thinking.
2.   Discussion on the questions for “checking in” on students during a project.
During project based learning, students groups will be going in different directions and working at different speeds. It is important that teachers check in and ask the right kinds of questions to guide their students’ learning. Based on the information the teacher wants to obtain from the group, the book suggests asking four different types of questions:
·         Procedural- These questions ask students where they are in relation to milestones and deadlines.
·         Teamwork- These questions inquire about team dynamics.
·         Understanding- These questions are based on group conversations, they often involve suggestions for further inquiry or research.
·         Self-assessment- These questions encourage students to reflect on different challenges or things that went well throughout the project.

3.   Discussion on the benefits to students when optimizing the use of technology.
·         Throughout the project, it is important that teachers are checking in with their students to make sure that technologies are being used for optimizing learning and not serving as a distraction. Teachers should check if the technologies are helping students meet their learning goals, if they are helping students stay organized and if students can use the technology to reach outside of the classroom. These questions are important to consider. If the answer is questionable, the teacher should reevaluate whether that specific technology should be kept as part of the project.

4.   Discussion on the 21st-century skills that can make or break a project.
·         Troubleshooting and management are two important 21st century skills that could make or break a project. Troubleshooting is the ability to solve problems as they arise during a project. This is an important skill for students to learn in the classroom so they can take that skill into their real world professions.  Conflict management is the ability to pay close attention to team dynamics and manage team conflicts. This is also an important skill that students can use during project based learning that will help them when they eventually go out into the real-world.

     5.    Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
·         The concepts discussed in this chapter will help me work with my students during our project. As I walk around the classroom listening to students’ conversations, I will know the different types of questions to ask students based on the information I want to obtain from them. I will also challenge my students to develop their troubleshooting and management skills as I know that these are important skills for them to learn.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Movie Maker

Hi Lauryn-

We had to decide on individual topics for our movie we are making in class. Jaimie picked benefits of exercise and I picked  cardiovascular exercise. Just so you know!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Reading Reflection #6

1.      Discuss how technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths.
-          Using technology tools during a project will make the learning experience that much more worthwhile because it provides students with the opportunity to look back at their work, evaluate, and reflect. A blog is one example of a technology tool that encourages students to be reflective and evaluate their work. Blogs offer students space where they can reflect and evaluate over time about what they are learning. ProfilerPRO is another technology tool used to encourage students to reflect and evaluate. ProfilerPRO is an online survey that aids in identifying the interests, strengths, and weaknesses of your students to guide learning. Students can create an initial profile, then as learning continues, reflect back on their original and make changes as they acquire new skills and understanding. Another tool is a survey called the SurveyMonkey. A major aspect of the SurveyMonkey that is helpful in encouraging students to be reflective is that it allows students to see how their self-assessment compares to the larger group.
2.      Describe several ways in which you can get students’ minds ready for a project.
-          Activating students’ prior knowledge is the number one thing a teacher should remember when preparing the minds of the students before a project. One activity to aid activating prior knowledge is an activity called the K-W-L (know, wonder, learn). Students need time to let the new ideas “set-in” or settle, so make sure you prepare enough time to let students take advantage of this. While students let the new ideas set-in or settle, encourage them to explore the topic or ideas. You also want to draw students in; prepare them by getting the students excited about the topic or the project.
3.      Discuss the elements of teaching fundamentals first.
-          Before starting a new project, it may be beneficial for the students if prerequisite knowledge or skills students need to accomplish the project are taught first. Prerequisite knowledge or skills will help define a starting point for the project, and drive learning forward. It gives the students a foundation to build up from.
4.      Describe the important steps in preparing students for using technology in a project.
-          Using technology during a project will get the job done, but students need to know how to use the technology and why we use such technology. Ways in which you can help prepare your students for using technology are setting up a technology “playground”, tapping into student expertise, introducing project-management tools, demonstrating, and relying on the help of a technology specialist.
5.      Discuss ways to promote inquiry and deep learning.
-          As teachers, we can guide inquiry and deep learning by having students decide which questions to answer; students make informed decisions. “How” questions ask students to understand problems, weigh options and propose solutions. Hypothetical questions ask students to use the knowledge they already have to pose other questions or make inferences. “Should” questions encourage students to make moral and/or practical decisions based on evidence. To understand cause and effect, one should pose “why” questions for the students.
6.      Discussion on how the concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
-          The idea of activating background knowledge and teaching prerequisite knowledge and skills before starting a project relates to our project. As teachers, we thought it was important to discuss with our students what exercises they do to be healthy in order to get their brains thinking about exercise in general.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Inspiration Collaboration 2

Reading Reflection #6

Discuss how technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths.
An obvious way that students can do this is to go back and reread their blog or examine what they posted on it and reflect on the quality of the submission. They will be able to see how their ideas changed and can post a new submission addressing these changes, I know it is a good way for our group to communicate about past projects and what we would like to change about them. Another way is ProfilerPRO which gives students a chance to take surveys and give feedback to their teachers, or other students. They can see how they feel about different subjects and if they took a pre and post survey like we are going to they will be able to reflect on the growth of their knowledge. SurveyMonkey and Zoomerang will also give students a chance to evaluate themselves, where they will reflect on their experience and as teachers we will be able to see how they are thinking and feeling.
Describe several ways in which you can get students’ minds ready for a project.
The first way to prepare students is to figure out what they already know. Using prior knowledge is great for starting any lesson that you will be teaching because it gets students to see that they already know something about the topic and they can relate to it. They can also connect their prior knowledge to their new knowledge they are gaining. We should also give students time to think about what would really be a good project for them. They should be able to discuss it with their groups, friends, families, and even their teachers before they decide on a definite topic. Slowly introducing the topic and having a guest speaker can build excitement in the students.
 Discuss the elements of teaching fundamentals first.
We must give students background knowledge of a subject before throwing them into a full blown project. Without knowing an important piece of the puzzle they will be stuck trying to figure out everything, may feel frustrated, and it will make the project more difficult and unpleasant. Students must also have a purpose; realize what they know and what they don’t know about the topic before beginning it. They should be able to see what they are going to learn and be able to ask questions before, during and after the process. Students must also be informed on how they will be being graded. They need to know what is expected of them and what they must do to get the grade they want.
Describe the important steps in preparing students for using technology in project.
As teachers we need to know what students know how to do and what they will need to know for the project. If the students are all familiar with one type of technology and they produce quality results there is no need to teach this technology again. But if it is a new technology students may require some instruction (of us explaining and demonstrating to students how to use the technology) before they can complete their tasks. Before we jump right to instruction and demonstration we should let the students explore the technology on their own first, I know that this is how I learn best so it would make sense that the students will do the same. Another way to teach a new technology is to put students who know how to use it with students who are unfamiliar with it so they can learn collaboratively. Giving students a journal or log will help them to stay focused on the project and track their progress. We must also decide which technologies we want our students to learn. We only have so much time to teach so we want to make sure they are learning technologies they will be using the rest of their lives.
Discuss ways to promote inquiry and deep learning.
Working together to decide what to include in the project is HUGE. We must try to incorporate as many subjects as possible into one project. To have students practice inquiry we must give them a little information and then let them work out what they think about the information in their minds. We must also make sure that the students think deeply about what they want to know and that we as teachers make the project well rounded and successful.
Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
I believe this is very important to our project because we need to realize how much background knowledge the students need before starting a project. We want the project to be a fun learning experience so we want things to run smoothly with the technology and the deep learning. I can also see where we are progress monitoring ourselves for this project, by keeping a blog and communicating with each other.