Friday, March 23, 2012

Reading Reflection #8

1)      Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
-          As teachers, we need to take advantage of all learning experiences as they come. Ways to ensure that such learning experiences occur include preparing your students to make connections with experts and connecting with a community outside city limits. Students who are given the opportunity to consult with experts are exposed to real life situations that will better prepare them for their future. Classrooms that make connections with communities over long distances are also expanding on the learning experiences.
2)      Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
-          The EAST Initiative Model, Environmental and Spatial Technologies Initiative is a network of students that have been demonstrating the benefits of using technology for real life purposes. The students in this network make use of geospatial technologies and multimedia tools that are commonly used in professional labs and studios. The EAST model is built on four essential ideas. The first idea is student-driven learning; students are responsible for their own learning. The second idea is authentic project-based; students are involved in solving real problems in their communities. The third idea is using technology as tools; students use the technology that professionals use to solve real problems. The fourth idea is collaboration.
3)      Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
-          As a teacher, we may feel that is it our responsibility to do all the teaching, to always be in the teacher role. While it is true that we are responsible for teaching, I don’t necessarily feel it is just our responsibility. The students can also have some of the responsibility of teaching, or leading their projects. Creating a project idea, initiating conversations, asking questions of the teacher and of experts, and expanding on project ideas after the project is complete are all ways students can take the lead of their own projects.
4)      Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
-          The ideas from this chapter relate to my project in that I understand now that it is important to let students take the lead and responsibility of their learning and learning experiences. The students, completing my project, have been given the opportunity to connect with students in Australia, which practices the idea of expanding the learning circle.

1 comment:

  1. The EAST Initiative Model is a very interesting concept. I would like to research how many schools use that program and see if it really does help. Great Job on your reflection!
