Friday, March 30, 2012

Reading Reflection #9

  1. Description of a method of understanding prior-knowledge of students.
-          There are several activities teachers can use to gain an understanding of student’s prior knowledge. One activity would include the KWL. Not all students will be on the same level of understanding starting a project; a KWL will help a teacher establish anchors based on student responses to the KWL.
  1. Discussion on the importance of establishing anchors for a project.
-          Establishing anchors for a project allows the teacher to gain a sense of where students are starting and how far they are going as they work to meet the learning goals. Establishing anchors can help the teacher measure the distance each individual student travels as a learner.
  1. Description of several ways to assess what students learned during the project.
-          Teachers can use a wide variety of things to assess what students have learned during a project. Teachers can use multiple choice assessments, matching assessments, videos, podcasts, blogs, analysis, and real-world models as assessments.
  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
-          As teachers, we will use ideas from this chapter to develop ways to assess our students understanding before, during, and after a project. Students completing our project will be creating a workout video as their assessment; showing friends and family what they have learned about exercising.


  1. I like that your students are going to create a workout video! That would be so cute (:

  2. I also like the idea of you making a workout video. Doing something this gets the students motivated to get out of their chairs the students wont even know they are being assessed. I would love to see that.
