Friday, March 23, 2012

Chapter 8 Reading Reflection

Your reflection should include:
  1. Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
Utilizing Digital tools is probably the best way to be able to do this in our PBL. Having students create blogs and digital stories gives them an audience. They want to do well so that their audience is impressed and learns from their project. Also, having students talk to experts from around the world will help them to become knowledgeable and researched so that they will be able to discuss the topics with them. Having the students virtually scuba dive with experts sounds so cool to me.
  1. Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
The EAST model has four essential ideas. Student driven learning is the first, which is really important for student learning. The next is authentic project based learning, which is students working to solve actual problems in their communities. The third idea is that students use real world technology to research and solve these problems. And the final thing is collaboration where students work together to learn and solve problems. I think these things are all essential if we want students to learn and realize that they are the ones who can solve the problems in their communities.
  1. Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
The reason this is so important is because students will lead to projects that are meaningful to them. They will create projects that will help fix problems that they care about. I know from experience that when you are working on something that has deep meaning to you, you will work much harder and want to make a great project. I also believe that students should work on things they care about so they can carry this idea through the rest of their lives.
  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.

I think this chapter gives us a lot to think about as teachers. That we really need to focus on the idea of students fixing the problems in communities and working on projects that matter to them. But I was thinking about the curriculum. We can’t always let students lead because we need to follow it. So at what time should we let students lead the project?


  1. I really like your last question at the end of your reading reflection. I think that it will be very difficult for us, as teachers, to find that delicate balance between being the leader and letting the student be the leader. Always remember that the goal of education is to make learning fun and intriguing. If you find that you're doing too much talking and your students are bored, shake things up a little bit and let your students figure out things based on what their interests are. However, if you find that every student is trying to be his/her own leader and your room is in mass chaos, try to guide the students back and remind them of the goal which you are ALL trying to accomplish TOGETHER. Your reflection really made me think critically-thank you!

  2. I liked how you ended your reading reflection with a question. I think it is difficult to find a balance between instruction and observation as a teacher. I think it all depends on the children in your class. Some will pick up on the material right away and others will struggle so you cant really anticipate how much you will need to facilitate until you begin.
