1. Description of some ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
· One benefit of technology is that it gives teachers and students the opportunity to make connections outside of the classroom. Teachers and students can connect with diverse audiences (family, peers, community members, experts, etc.) through technologies such as blogs, email and Skype.
2. Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
· The Environmental and Spatial Technologies Initiative Model demonstrates using technology for a real purpose. Students participating in the EAST Initiative Model become familiar with real technologies that experts use in the field to solve problems and make improvements. The EAST Initiative Model is built on four key ideas: student driven learning, authentic project-based learning, using technology as tools, and collaboration.
3. Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
· During project-based learning it is important that students learn to “lead” their own projects. Students are able to make projects authentic to their lives when they take charge of their own learning. During project-based learning students should be given the responsibility to lead their own project and teachers should be there for support and collaboration.
4. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
· The concept about letting students lead their project is an idea that I would use in my own classroom. In our project we are working with fifth graders. I think that fifth graders are capable of taking ownership of their learning. This would be beneficial for students because by letting students take the lead in a project it makes learning personal.
I totally agree that doing these projects is greater than the four walls of the classroom. It's good that teachers are creating projects that will be captivating to students.