1. Description of a method of understanding prior-knowledge of students.
· There are several ways that teachers can become familiar with their students’ prior knowledge. One way to incorporate technology is by giving students an online survey on SurveyMonkey that asks them about what they know about the topic. Teachers can also have students fill out a KWL chart or have a class discussion that asks students about their current knowledge.
2. Discussion on the importance of establishing anchors for a project.
· Anchors are important because they give teachers a sense of where students are starting out. This will help them better plan students’ learning goals for lessons and will help both the teacher and the students be successful.
3. Description of several ways to assess what students learned during the project.
· There are several ways to assess student learning. Teachers can use multiple choice tests, interviews, videos, podcasts, blogs, work samples, or real-world assessments to see what students learned in the lesson. The important thing to look for when assessing is that students can summarize and synthesize the information that was taught and that they can apply that information.
4. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
· In our project, students will be assessed on the movie that they will make that synthesizes all the information they learned in the unit. The students will present their movies to their families and the rest of the school during an open house.
I agree that establishing anchors helps both the teacher and the students be successful. It is very important that everyone is on the same page. Anchors allow this to happen because it informs teachers of where students are at and where they need to go with their learning.